School Plan for Student Achievement

Click on the link below to view our most recent School Plan for Student Achievement 

MHS 24-25 SPSA

WASC Accreditation

The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC), a world-renowned accrediting association and one of the six regional accrediting agencies in the United States, works closely with the Office of Overseas Schools under the U.S. Department of State. ACS WASC provides assistance to schools worldwide, especially in California, Hawaii, Guam, Asia, the Pacific Region, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.  CDE has collaborated with ACS WASC in order to align the accreditation process with the planning process for California public schools required by state and federal statutes in the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and the Local Control Accountability Plan; the ACS WASC/CDE Focus on Learning (FOL) Joint Process Guide is the collaborative process that helps schools engage in continuous school improvement that focuses on high-quality learning and well-being for all students. ACS WASC also collaborates with the University of California regarding the A-G course requirements.

2022 WASC Report

California School Dashboard

The California School Dashboard provides parents and educators with meaningful information on school and district progress so they can participate in decisions to improve student learning. Click on the link below to view the California School Dashboard for MHS.

California School Dashboard

School Profile

The School Profile is provided to colleges and universities on an annual basis to provide highlight about the rigor and breadth of course offerings, curriculum, and academic opportunities. Click on the link below to view our most recent School Profile.

MHS 24-25 School Profile

School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

The California State Department of Education requires that school districts publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC) annually for each of its school sites.  The SARC contains information about the school's condition and performance. 

MHS 2023-24 SARC (English)

MHS 2023-24 SARC (Spanish)

MHS 2023-24 SARC (Vietnamese)