Short-Term Independent Study

MUSD Short-Term Independent Study Policy

In the MHS Handbook you will find the section that talks about Short-Term Independent Study requests. Please read the information below carefully and be aware of the timelines and deadlines for short-term independent study requests. We will not honor any request that does not follow the established timelines. 

Any Milpitas High School student needing to take an extended vacation during the normal school year must apply at least 10 school days in advance for an

Independent Study Agreement. This agreement form is available through the attendance secretary.

The length of the agreement shall be no less than three (3) days and no more than fourteen (14) days. Students who do not submit an Independent Study Agreement prior to their departure will not be allowed to turn in any work for the time absent.

Requirements for the Independent Study Agreement:

1. Homework assignments are required for each class.

2. Appropriate signatures from student, parent, and teachers must be obtained before the student leaves.

3. A student can only request an Independent Study Agreement once per school year for a maximum of fourteen (14) days.

4. Parent must notify the school office ten days in advance before the leave date

5. Independent Studies cannot be scheduled during the first 10 days and the last 10 days of the school year. They also cannot be scheduled during state testing time.

6. Independent studies shall not be calendared or combined with district school breaks that are five days or more

Absences due to vacation leave WILL count against the student until the Independent Study Agreement is completed when the student returns. All work must be completed upon student’s return. Please contact Traci Hollenback at to schedule an appointment regarding a short term independent studies request. 

Thank you for following our short-term independent studies policy and expectations.